CEO Club London

Club Experience

At the heart of membership of the Club is the IDEA OF YOUR UNIQUE VERSATILE "IDEAL SPACE". The space that we create together. The space that is more than just another business opportunity. Primarily, it is about your lifestyle, worldview and mindset. We strive to build an environment with the diverse meanings, ideas, content, values, communication, relationships, , self-development and  business improvement. Here we harmoniously combine all spheres of our life, creating our "space". In order to implement this concept, we have created a set of fundamental principles and rules of the Club.

Key Principles:


Since London is a place where entrepreneurs, investors and top managers from all over the world gather and where global projects take place, our club declares internationalism as one of the keyprinciples of its functioning. We focus on developing a culture of global business and entrepreneurship as well as on combining opportunities, expertise and experience from various parts of the globe. We seek and connect leaders who act and think at the cross border level.


Our club stands for equality among people by the virtue of their divine origin and natural rights. Borders, cultures and religions may separate us, but we all might have the same roots and equal right. The progress and evolution of humanity depend on the awareness of this principle and on the ability to unite based on values and ideas across borders and despite other dividing factors. For this reason, the Club unites people of different cultures, nationalities and religions based on the key principle -  mutual respect and tolerance for diversity and distinctiveness. In the Club, representatives of different nations, religions and beliefs are equal and interact in mutual harmony and respect.


This is a space where the interests of players from all over the world intersect. This is a space that promotes cooperation, mutual assistance and the achievement of mutually-beneficial partnerships and agreements. This is a space where we trust each other, behave ethically, and fulfil our commitments. The Club has gathered people whom you can work with. Here, we build long-term business relations based on sustainability, ethics, reliability and respect.


The Club is a place that unites business leaders for shared enhancement, strengthening and development of their personalities. Constant improvement in various spheres is crucial for modern leaders who want to define and create future trends and understand what our tomorrow will look like. However, the main objective of the Club is to launch global social and charitable initiatives and projects together that unite leaders of various countries. These projects are aimed at making positive changes in key problem areas of the world. Ukraine and the challenges the country faces these days are our primary focus and concern.

Key Pillars of the Club

The whole activity of the club can be conditionally divided into 3 eco-systems:


Leadership Development

The club is a powerful ecosystem for the continuous development of leaders in a safe environment and an atmosphere of trust. It consists of different levels and stages that adapt to the needs of each Club Member. Our program is based on the combined experience and knowledge of all participants, moderated by professional experts and specialists. In addition, the Club regularly organises meetings with top leaders, thinkers, visionaries and experts to inspire and develop the community of the Club.

Trust, Cooperation and Mutual Support

The Club creates a single space where high trust and support prevail - a single body where all participants have equal rights and opportunities. The Club combines all our knowledge,  resources, and expertise into one joint bank that helps each of us. Each participant contributes to a common cause and is always ready to help others. Every member of our community is always open to interaction and cooperation. Through bringing together business leaders from around the world on one platform, the Club opens the door to the world of global perspectives, opportunities and resources for everyone.  Most of the Club's activities, formats and projects are aimed at effectively maximising the opportunities of our members.

Joint Impact Projects

The Club unites people not only for personal development and success in business but also for changing the world for the better. We implement our ideas in various projects aimed at creating a positive impact on the environment and sustainability. The most essential element of this is that we do such Impact Projects together, investing our efforts and resources to achieve common goals.
CEO Club Guests

Sir Michael Fallon

Former Secretary of State for Defence 

Boris Johnson

Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom  

Nusrat Ghani

Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Trade, Investment Protection and Industry

George Weston

Chief Executive of Associated British Foods

Tamás Nagy

Co-Head of Private and Listed Equities of the EBRD

Garry Jacobs

President and CEO, World Academy of Art & Science

Francis Fukuyama

American political scientist, political economist

Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker

Scientist, politician, former co-president of the Club of Rome

Matt Butren

Yogi Asan Maharishi Professor

Bill Browder

CEO Hermitage Capital Management, Head of the Global Magnitsky Justice Campaign and author of Red Notice.

Volodymyr Popereshniuk

Co-founder and Owner of NOVA POSHTA

Jonathan Fenby CBA

Author, one of the UK’s leading experts on all aspects of China and Chinese affairs

Surinder Arora

English Billionaire, Businessman, Founder and Chairman of the Arora Group

Sir Liam Fox

Former Secretary of State for Defence, current MP  

Professor Ian Goldin

Author, Professor at the University of Oxford